Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Long time no post

WOW!! It has been forever since I have written anything here and I really do not even know what to write.

I know that today is a kinda crappy day. It is beautiful outside actually but I have this headache that just won't go away and I am just laying in bed. I can't even get up to eat anything although I am sure that might help. Oh well, hopefully it will go away and I will be a functioning human again soon.

I know that I am getting FAT and I do not like it. I have to start eating better and exercising more. It is really ridiculous that I can't seem to make this happen. I know being lazy is easier but when I look in the mirror and get disgusted I have no one to blame but myself and that just makes me miserable. I need to do this for my happiness and we all know that when momma ain't happy, nobody's happy so I need to do this for everyone else too.

I know that I am almost done with school. May 15th is graduation and I am sooooooo excited but I cannot muster the energy and motivation needed to start writing cover letters and getting my resume out there. What the heck is wrong with me? I need a job and I need one soon so there is really no excuse!

Oh well, that's all for now. I need to close my eyes again and wait for the pain to go away.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Labor Day weekend

It is Labor Day weekend and although this has become a time when everyone celebrates the extra day off and plans are made for that last BBQ of the season it seems to me that the real reason for the holiday is forgotten, or was it ever really known?
I know that I truly do not know the history of this national holiday and if truth be told I would say that I am not very interested in researching it. I am sure it is to celebrate the working man but I must say that I celebrate that everyday when I am constantly reminded of my humble roots.

My parents were, and still are, working folk. My Dad met my step-mom (from here on referred to as just plain old MOM) in the factory where they both worked. My mom worked her way up to a supervisory position in that factory and my dad was able to finally follow his dream to quit that job and become a farmer. This seems to me like jumping from the frying pan to the fire but it is what has always made my dad happy so.........
My mom had a stroke about 9 years ago and since then there have been some changes in the house but nothing really that different. Dad now helps all the neighbors with their farms and is now able to do all the things he enjoys without the headache of the financial worries many farmers face. He also 'makes wood', something I thoroughly loathed as a child but my dad seems to get perverse pleasure from, probably knowing that he has provided heat for his family as well as the satisfaction that must be there when he sells the wood to the city guy who thinks that burning wood for heat makes him country even if he didn't cut it himself :-) Mom can't work anymore, at least not outside the home, but let me tell you that the work inside the home is still done to her specifications. Our house was always clean, sometimes too clean, and it still is. Mom is still proud that you could eat off her floors and drink from her toilets if ever necessary.

So, in honor of the working folks I am going to enjoy my extra day of rest. Today I am going to the Taste of Madison and eat some good food, drink some cold beer and hear some great music. Tomorrow I am thinking a day at the zoo may be in order.

Enjoy your weekend!!!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

ABC's of Me!!

Stole this from a friend's blog just as she stole it from someone else. Seemed like fun.

A-Age: I will be 36 this year. I didn't start to feel old until my kids started getting older. I have 2 teenagers and 2 pre-teens!!!! What!!!!!
B-Birth date: August 7th.
C-Chore you hate: Putting laundry away
D-Dog's name: Charlie
E-Enter or Exit: Enter, with all eyes on me ( I am a Leo after all)
F-Favorite color: Green
G-Gold or silver: Silver
H-Hair color: My real hair color? We are trying to achieve this again. I am pretty sure this brown is really close.
I-Instrument: I never played an instrument unless you count cymbals LOL
J-Job Title: Library Student Help/ Bartender
K-Kids: Sean-16, Rayce-14, Cutter-12, Brinna-11
L-Living arrangements: Me, my boyfriend Casey, and the kids live in a big old farmhouse in the middle of nowhere, I love it!!
M-Monkey or Moose: Monkey- wouldn't you just love a pet monkey?
N-Nicknames:Minky, Minkstro, Minkleburry, Fudge, Ri
O-Odd thing about you: There are probably too many to list but I can't think of any since I don't find them odd!
P-Pet Peeve: People who don't want to learn how, they just want you to do it for them.
Q-Quote from a movie: "You know, there's a million fine looking women in the world, dude. But they don't all bring you lasagna at work. Most of them just cheat on you."- Clerks
R-Right/Left Handed: Right
S-Siblings: 1 brother, 1 half sister, and 3 step brothers but I don't think of any of them that way, they are jsut my brothers and sister
T-Time you wake up: 5:30 when I have to work and whenever when I don't
U-Underwear: thongs or bikinis or none
V-Veggie you dislike: Lima beans, taste like chalk
W-What makes you run late: underestimating my drive time
X-X-Rays: Kidneys, I honestly think that may be the only one I had
Y-Yummy food you make: I think everything I make is yummy but the kids like my chicken enchiladas and sloppy joes
Z-Zoo Animal: Lions and monkeys

So there it is. The ABC's of me.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

It's been awhile.......

It's been awhile since my last post and although there doesn't seem to be much to write about I thought I should throw something out there.

Summer is half way over. I cannot believe it. Where are my days of fun and relaxation? Rayce is finally done with summer school but I just got a second job so I am not so sure how the vacation plans are going to work out. I have off most Thursdays and Fridays but it seems like I am so tired from the rest of the week that I don't get much enjoyment out of my free time. I am a voracious reader but this summer I have made it through one, maybe two books, tops. We have gone to the cabin once, been to one fair, one baseball game, and zero pools, zoos, parks, or beaches. Before I know it the summer will be over, I'll be into my third semester of nursing school and my life will officially reside inside of a text book. I just checked out a review book from the library so I can be sure to be ready for classes to start.

Back to books I am reading. I just started a book called "Monster Island" by David Wellington which is about zombies. So far it is pretty good, actually put it down last night to fall asleep at a very interesting turn of events, looking forward to finding out what happens. Just finished "The Zookeeper's Wife" by Diane Ackerman. This was one of the few non-fiction books I have read about a family in Warsaw, Poland during WWII that used the zoo they ran to help Jews and Poles survive the Nazi invasion. It was very interesting and I even learned a thing or two. I've also been reading "From Chaos to Calm" by Janet Heininger. It is an interesting read about a child with ADHD, something I am living daily. Reading this book helps me to deal with my child a bit more, understanding what is going through his mind when he doesn't even know.

Well, that's about as random as I can get for now. I'll try to be back soon!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Just another Friday......

Today is Friday and although I seldom work on Friday I was able to get a few extra hours in so I took them, money is money after all. It was scheduled to be a beautiful day today and so I took the cycle to work. I love the fact that I can ride almost everyday in the summer, we had some rainy days there but I think I have been on the bike everyday this week but one.

I have to ride into Mt Horeb today before going home so that I can get my servers license. I will be bartending at The Firehouse. Pretty excited to be back behind a bar, in a bar where there are no owner's sons running around thinking they run the place that is. My friends Dad owns this place but I have a feeling things are run a bit differently than the other bar I worked at.

One month from today my son turns 14. He is the last of the children to have a birthday for the year so I can then quit saying my kids are 16, almsot 14, 12 and 11. It is so hard to believe that my babies are not babies anymore, I guess that means I am getting old too.

One year from today my best friend from High School is getting married. I am sooooo excited. I have not seen her in 16 years but there has not been a single one of them that went by when I wasn't wondering what she has been up to. We have been in and out of touch many times since High school but I still feel like she is one of my best friends, I just wish she lived closer. Oh well, time for a road trip!!

Not too much else is happening around these parts. I'll try to post again soon!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Saturday with the Boys

I spent today with the boys today, only one of mine, and 4 of his friends. I took them Paintballing, it was definitely worth it. Last year I got tickets to the paintball place and decided that it would make a good 13th birthday gift for Rayce. We finally went. Now I think we need to invest in paintball equipment so the kids can just go out in our woods and do the same thing. Boys are still staying over tonight so I have a house full of teenagers right now. I guess it is better than if they were girls, LOL.

Tomorrow its a day with the dog, Dog Fest!!!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Just a thought................

I was thinking the other day that I should start using my blog the way others do, as a sort of diary to get things off of my chest and just vent about daily life while also keeping a written record of what goes on in my life. The problem I have with this is that sometimes the things I want to write are about other people and although they do not currently read this blog it is possible they may stumble across it someday. Should I really be worried? If its how I am feeling I should probably tell them anyhow. The problem with that is sometimes that just causes way more problems than it solves.

So, I'm thinking that maybe I should start with just the diary thing, here goes.

I am supposed to have Fridays off this summer but when I got offered some hours at the downtown campus I decided I kinda needed the money. I worked 4 hours today, took the motorcycle into town, yea for the beautiful weather, boo on the road construction. Riding a motorcycle in stop and go traffic is just not very fun.
I got home and planned to take a bike ride with Rayce into town, not for fun but because Rayce has to go to summer school in order to get into High School next year and he will need to bike in since I have to work. I figured we should make the trip so that he knows how long it is going to take him to get there each day. EVERY bike we have has something wrong with it, except for Brinna's which is a little girls bike that no one else wants to ride. I ended up taking Rayce into town to get a new rear wheel for his bike as well as a new chain and now he doesn't know how to put it back together. UGGHHH!
Rayce's friend is supposed to be coming over tonight because we are going Paintballing for his birthday present for last year. Haven't heard from him since he called to RSVP. Hmmmmmmmmmmm. If he doesn't get here I may end up at the beer tent with my friends after all!
Making dinner and looking forward to a nice quiet night at home (unless I can go out :-)), maybe open a bottle of wine, who knows.